Web survey software tools for enterprise online data collection and reporting, used by major corporations, governments, and NGOs throughout the world.

Product Tours

EZSurvey 2007 Short Tour
Description: A short tour with images of EZSurvey 2007 for the Internet and forms created using EZSurvey.
Displays: Create a new form, Write a form, Create a web page, Import web data, Add record, Analysis,
EZSurvey 2007 Long Tour
Description: An in-depth tour with images of EZSurvey 2007 for the Internet and forms created using EZSurvey.
Displays: Project setup, Form design, Publishing, Entering data, Retrieving data, Database handling, Analysis and Reports, and Advanced Form Design.
EZSurvey 2007 Web Admin Tour
Description: An tour with images of EZSurvey 2007 Web Admin Tool.
Displays: Admin Login, Admin User List, Admin User Settings, Folder Settings, Project List, and Project Settings.
InterForm Tour
Description: Images of InterForm and InterForm menus.
Displays: File, Create, Modify, Customize, and To Web.


SurveyWin Screenshots
Description: Images of SurveyWin design tool.
Displays: Question wizard, PDF files, Design, Graphics, Validation, and Analysis
EZSurvey Screenshots
Description: Images of EZSurvey for the Internet and forms created using EZSurvey
Displays: Forms created by EZSurvey.
EZReport Screenshots
Description: Images of reports that were created with EZReport.
Displays: Single Variable, Multiple Variable, Grouped Questions, Multiple Weighted, Custom Data, Group Table, Summary Pareto, and Weighted Questions.
InterForm Screenshots
Description: Screenshots showing the InterForm program.
Displays: Design Window, Customized Fonts, and Error messages.