admin.c File Reference

#include "cgi.h"
#include <dirent.h>

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Data Structures

struct  AdminInfo


int WriteINIFileSection (char *fname, char *section, CGINameValue *ini)
void DoSetValue (CGINameValue *Variables, char *name, char *value)
int GetRespcount (char *argv0, char *dbname)
int SetRespcount (char *argv0, char *dbname, int i)
FILE * OpenPage (char *argv0, char *page)
void Login (AdminInfo *self)
int VerifyPassword (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char *password)
int VerifyUser (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char *username, char *session, char *password)
int Authenticate (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char **cookie)
char * RelativeName (char *directory, char *name)
void ProjectUpdate (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char *project)
void RecurseDirectories (char *directory, EZSSTREAM *htmlout, char *format, char *replace)
static char * JSListWorkspaces (ScriptEnvironment *Env, char *cmd, int argc, char **argv, CGINameValue *Params)
static char * JSSendMail (ScriptEnvironment *Env, char *cmd, int argc, char **argv, CGINameValue *Params)
void AdminPrintPage (AdminInfo *self, char *iniName, FILE *source)
int AdminRunScript (AdminInfo *self, CGINameValue *data, char *page)
int UserAdd (AdminInfo *self, char *user)
void UserUpdate (AdminInfo *self, char *user, char *fields, char *page)
void UserAddSpace (AdminInfo *self, char *user, char *directory)
void User (AdminInfo *self, char *user, char *page)
int SpaceAdd (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char *name, char *page)
void Space (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char *page)
void SpaceUpdate (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char *fields, char *page)
void Project (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char *project)
int GetProjectExtra (AdminInfo *self, char *name)
void Index (AdminInfo *self, char *directory)
void UserList (AdminInfo *self)
int SendImage (AdminInfo *self, char *image)
int ShowAdmin (AdminInfo *self, char *name, char *page)
int ShowPage (AdminInfo *self, char *directory, char *name, char *page)
void Error (AdminInfo *self)
int CGImain (char *argv0, CGINameValue *Params, EZSSTREAM *htmlout)


static char * systemFields = "DIRECTORY,PAGE,NAME,SECTION"
static ScriptFunction AdminFunctions []

Function Documentation

void AdminPrintPage AdminInfo self,
char *  iniName,
FILE *  source

Definition at line 533 of file admin.c.

References DeleteNVP(), MAXPATH, ReadINIFileSection(), RunReportF(), and swapchars().

Referenced by Project(), Space(), and User().

00534 {
00535   char section[MAXPATH];
00536   CGINameValue* ini=0;
00538   while (!feof(source))
00539   {
00540    *section = 0;
00542    if (ini)
00543      RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,ini,self->Params,0,1,"%load",section,AdminFunctions);
00544    else
00545      RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,1,"%load",section,AdminFunctions);
00547    if (ini) DeleteNVP(ini);
00549    swapchars(section,'%',0);
00551    if (*section)
00552       ini = ReadINIFileSection(iniName,section,0);
00553    else
00554       ini = 0;
00555   }
00556 }

int AdminRunScript AdminInfo self,
CGINameValue data,
char *  page

Definition at line 558 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, CGIFCLOSE, JSEval(), JSIndexOf(), JSListWorkspaces(), JSPrint(), JSRandom(), JSReport(), JSSendMail(), JSstrlen(), JSsubstr(), JStoFixed(), JSToNumber(), NULL, OpenPage(), and RunScript().

Referenced by SpaceUpdate(), and UserUpdate().

00559 {
00560  if (page)
00561   if (*page)
00562  {
00563  int ret;
00564  FILE* script = OpenPage(self->argv0,page);
00565  ScriptFunction Functions[] =
00566  {
00567   {"print",10,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSPrint},
00568   {"write",10,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSPrint},
00569   {"eval",1,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSEval},
00570   {"tofixed",2,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JStoFixed},
00571   {"sendmail",3,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSSendMail},
00572   {"runReport",8,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSReport},
00573   {"number",1,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSToNumber},
00574   {"toNumber",1,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSToNumber},
00575   {"random",1,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSRandom},
00576   {"subStr",3,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSsubstr},
00577   {"indexOf",4,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSIndexOf},
00578   {"length",1,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSstrlen},
00579   {"listDirectories",2,(ScriptFunctionCall)*JSListWorkspaces},
00580  {0,0,0}};
00582  ScriptEnvironment Global;
00583  memset(&Global,0,sizeof(Global));
00584  Global.htmlout   = self->htmlout;
00585  Global.Functions = Functions;
00586  Global.argv0     = self->argv0;
00587  Global.config    = self->Config;
00588  if (script == NULL) return 1; /* OK */
00590  ret = RunScript(&Global,script,data?data:self->Config);
00592  CGIFCLOSE(script);
00593  return ret;
00594  }
00595  return 0;
00596 }

int Authenticate AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char **  cookie

directory is never empty. If cookie is nonzero on exit, the caller should free it.

Definition at line 323 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::Config, DeleteNVP(), GetFieldValue, HasToken(), AdminInfo::Params, ReadPairedString(), RenameField(), SetFieldValue(), strdup(), strdup3(), VerifyPassword(), and VerifyUser().

Referenced by CGImain().

00324 {
00325  CGINameValue *clist=0;
00327  int ret = 0;
00328  char * password = GetFieldValue(self->Params,"AUTHENTICATION");
00329  char * username = GetFieldValue(self->Params,"USER");
00331  int authUser = atoi(GetFieldValue(self->Config,"AUTHUSER"));
00332  int authSpace = atoi(GetFieldValue(self->Config,"AUTHSPACE"));
00334  if (cookie)
00335  {
00336   if (*cookie)
00337    clist = ReadPairedString(*cookie,';',0);
00339   *cookie = 0;
00340  }
00342  if (!strcmp(directory,".")) directory = "";
00344  if (*username && authUser)
00345  {/* logging in to a user account. generate a new session */
00346    char s[32];
00347    int i = time(0) ^ 0x5a5a5a5a;
00348    /* invert the bit order and use decimal notation */
00349    i = (i&0x00ffff00) | ((i & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((i & 0x000000ff) << 24);
00350    sprintf(s,"%u",i);
00351    /* username limited to 32 bytes */
00352    ret = VerifyUser(self,directory, username, s, password);
00353    if (ret && cookie)
00354    {/* erase old workspace passwords. new cookie: user=username; session=s; */
00355     char x[128];
00356     sprintf(x,"Set-Cookie: USER=%s;\nSet-Cookie: SESSION=%s;\nSet-Cookie: PASSWORD=;",username,s);
00357     *cookie = strdup(x);
00358    }
00359  }
00361  if (!ret && *password && authSpace)
00362  {
00363   ret = VerifyPassword(self, directory, password);
00364   if (ret && cookie)
00365   {
00366    char x[128], *y, *z;
00367    /* preserve existing username/session */
00368    sprintf(x,"Set-Cookie: USER=%s;\nSet-Cookie: SESSION=%s;\nSet-Cookie: PASSWORD=",
00369              GetFieldValue(clist,"USER"),
00370              GetFieldValue(clist,"SESSION"));
00371    y = strdup3(x,password,",");
00372    z = GetFieldValue(clist,"PASSWORD");
00373    if (HasToken(z,password,0))
00374    {
00375     *cookie = y;
00376    }
00377    else
00378    {
00379     z = strdup3(y,z,"");
00380     *cookie = z;
00381    }
00382    free(y);
00383   }
00384  }
00386  RenameField(self->Params, "AUTHENTICATION",0);
00387  if (ret) return ret;
00389  if (clist)
00390  {
00391   if (authUser)
00392   {
00393    ret = VerifyUser(self, directory, GetFieldValue(clist,"USER"), GetFieldValue(clist,"SESSION"), "");
00394    if (ret && !*username)
00395     SetFieldValue(self->Params,"USER",GetFieldValue(clist,"USER"));
00396   }
00397   if (!ret && authSpace)
00398     ret = VerifyPassword(self, directory, GetFieldValue(clist,"PASSWORD"));
00399  }
00401  DeleteNVP(clist);
00402  return ret;
00403 }

int CGImain char *  progname,
CGINameValue argv,

You need to write this function in your program. The return value is zero for success, nonzero otherwise. Check that argc is nonzero before you attempt to access argv! Progname holds the traditional argv[0] so you can figure out where your program is running from. IsCGI is 1 if you're running from a web shell, or 0 if from the cmd line.

See also:


Definition at line 1116 of file admin.c.

Referenced by main().

01117 {
01118  char * directory = GetFieldValue(Params,"DIRECTORY");
01119  char * name      = GetFieldValue(Params,"NAME");
01120  char * page      = GetFieldValue(Params,"PAGE");
01121  char * image     = GetFieldValue(Params,"IMAGE");
01122  char * cookie    = GetEnvironment(htmlout,"HTTP_COOKIE");//"USER=newuser; SESSION=; PASSWORD=5678," ; //
01123  char fname[MAXPATH];
01124  int ret, r2;
01125  AdminInfo Self;
01126  Self.argv0 = argv0;
01127  Self.Config = 0;
01128  Self.Params = Params;
01129  Self.htmlout= htmlout;
01131  if (strchr(name,'/') || strchr(name,'\\')
01132      || stristr(name,".ini") ||
01133      !stricmp(page,"LOGOUT"))
01134  {/* access error -- kick 'em out! */
01135     SendCGIHeader(htmlout,"Set-Cookie: USER=;\nSet-Cookie: SESSION=;\nSet-Cookie: PASSWORD=;\n" CGI_DEFAULT_HEADER);
01136     Self.Params = 0;
01137     Login(&Self);
01138     return 0;
01139  }
01141  if (!strnicmp(page,"USER",4) && !*directory)
01142   directory = "admin";
01144  if (*image)
01145  {
01146   SendImage(&Self,image);
01147   return 0;
01148  }
01150  ExpandLocalPath(argv0,fname,"admin",SLASH "cgi.ini");
01151  Self.Config= ReadINIFileSection(fname,"admin",0);
01153  ret = Authenticate(&Self,directory,&cookie);
01154  if (ret == 2 && !*page && !*directory) /* new login, go to the home directory */
01155    directory = GetFieldValue(Params,"DIRECTORY");
01157  if (ret) /* login valid, maybe write a new cookie */
01158  {
01159   if (cookie)
01160   {
01161    char* header = strdup3(cookie, "\n", CGI_DEFAULT_HEADER);
01162    SendCGIHeader(htmlout,header);
01163    free(header);
01164    free(cookie);
01165   }
01166   else
01167      SendCGIHeader(htmlout,0);
01168  }
01169  else
01170  {
01171   if (*directory) SetFieldValue(Self.Params,"DIRECTORY",directory);
01172   SendCGIHeader(htmlout,0);
01173   Login(&Self);
01174   goto atexit;
01175  }
01176  /* must be logged in! */
01178  ret = 0;
01179  r2 = 0;
01180  if (!stricmp(directory,"admin"))
01181  {
01182   ret = ShowAdmin(&Self,name,page);
01183   r2 = 2;
01184  }
01186  if (!ret)
01187  {
01188   ret =ShowPage(&Self,directory,name,page);
01189   if (!ret) ret = r2;
01190  }
01192  switch (ret)
01193  {
01194   case 0:
01195   case 1: Index(&Self,directory); break;
01196   case 2: UserList(&Self);
01197   case 3: break;
01198   default: Error(&Self);
01199  }
01201  atexit:
01202  DeleteNVP(Self.Config);
01203  return 0;
01204 }

void DoSetValue CGINameValue Variables,
char *  name,
char *  value

Definition at line 135 of file admin.c.

References ExtendNVP(), and SetFieldValue().

Referenced by GetProjectExtra(), Index(), and UserList().

00136 {
00137  if (!SetFieldValue(Variables,name,value))
00138  {
00139   ExtendNVP(Variables,128);
00140   SetFieldValue(Variables,name,value);
00141   /* add to the list of 'shadow variables' that won't get saved */
00142  }
00143 }

void Error AdminInfo self  ) 

Definition at line 1110 of file admin.c.

References DebugShowNVP(), AdminInfo::htmlout, HTMLWrite(), and AdminInfo::Params.

Referenced by CGImain().

01111 {
01112  HTMLWrite(self->htmlout,"<HTML><body><h1>Error</h1><hr><pre>");
01113  DebugShowNVP(self->htmlout,self->Params);
01114 }

int GetProjectExtra AdminInfo self,
char *  name

Definition at line 820 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, DoSetValue(), ExpandLocalPath(), GetRespcount(), MAXPATH, NULL, AdminInfo::Params, strdup(), and stristr().

Referenced by Index().

00821 {
00822  char rName[MAXPATH];
00823  struct stat info;
00824  char* dbname = strdup(name);
00825  char* c = (char*)stristr(dbname,".ini");
00826  if (c)
00827  {
00828   char temp[32];
00829   *c =0;
00830   ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,rName,dbname,".respcount");
00831   if (!stat(rName,&info)) /* response count file */
00832     DoSetValue(self->Params,"LASTSAVEDATE",ctime(&info.st_mtime));
00833   sprintf(temp,"%d",GetRespcount(self->argv0,dbname));
00834   DoSetValue(self->Params,"RESPONSES",temp);
00835  }
00836  free(dbname);
00837  return (c != NULL);
00838 }

int GetRespcount char *  argv0,
char *  dbname

Definition at line 145 of file admin.c.

References CGIFOPEN, ExpandLocalPath(), and MAXPATH.

Referenced by GetProjectExtra(), and SaveData().

00146 {
00147   char filename[MAXPATH];
00148   int i = 0;
00149   FILE * f;
00151   ExpandLocalPath(argv0,filename,dbname,".respcount");
00152   f = CGIFOPEN(filename,"rb");
00153   if (f)
00154   {
00155    fread(&i,sizeof(i),1,f);
00156    fclose(f);
00157   }
00158   return i;
00159 }

void Index AdminInfo self,
char *  directory

Definition at line 840 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, DeleteNVP(), DoSetValue(), ExpandLocalPath(), GetProjectExtra(), AdminInfo::htmlout, MAXPATH, OpenPage(), AdminInfo::Params, ReadINIFileSection(), ReadUntilWordS(), RelativeName(), RunReportF(), strdup(), and stristr().

Referenced by CGImain().

00841 {
00842  DIR* d;
00843  struct stat info;
00844  char* name;
00845  CGINameValue* ini;
00846  char iniName[MAXPATH];
00847  int dirstart=-1,filestart=-1,footerstart=0;
00849  FILE* source = OpenPage(self->argv0,"projects.html");
00850  if (!source) return;
00852  RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,1,"directory",0,AdminFunctions);
00853  dirstart = ftell(source);
00854  ReadUntilWordS(source,0,"<file>");
00855  filestart= ftell(source);
00856  ReadUntilWordS(source,0,"</file>");
00857  footerstart = ftell(source);
00859  name = directory;
00860  if (!name || !*name) name = ".";
00861  d = opendir(name);
00863  while (d)
00864  {
00865   struct dirent* f = readdir(d);
00866   if (!f) break;
00867   if (f->d_name[0] == '.') continue; /* hidden or system file */
00869   name = RelativeName(directory,f->d_name);
00871   ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,iniName,name,0);
00872   if (!stat(iniName,&info))
00873   {
00874    if (!(info.st_mode & S_IFREG) && dirstart > 0)
00875    {/* directory */
00876     ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,iniName,name,"/" "cgi.ini");
00877     ini = ReadINIFileSection(iniName,"admin",0);
00878     if (ini)
00879     {
00880      DoSetValue(self->Params, "NAME", name);
00881      fseek(source,dirstart,0);
00882      RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,ini,self->Params,0,1,"/directory",0,AdminFunctions);
00883      DeleteNVP(ini);
00884     }
00885    }
00886    else if (stristr(f->d_name,".ini") && filestart > 0)
00887    {/* file */
00888     ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,iniName,name,0);
00890     if (info.st_ctime)
00891      DoSetValue(self->Params,"CREATIONDATE",ctime(&info.st_ctime));
00893     ini = ReadINIFileSection(iniName,"DATABASE",0);
00894     if (ini)
00895     {
00896      fseek(source,filestart,0);
00897      GetProjectExtra(self,name);
00898      name=strdup(f->d_name);
00899      *stristr(name,".ini") = 0;
00900      DoSetValue(self->Params, "NAME", name);
00901      RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,ini,self->Params,0,1,"/file",0,AdminFunctions);
00902      DeleteNVP(ini);
00903     }
00904    }
00905   }
00906   free(name);
00907  }
00909  fseek(source,footerstart,0);
00910  RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,0,0,0,AdminFunctions);
00911  fclose(source);
00913  if (d) closedir(d);
00914 }

static char* JSListWorkspaces ScriptEnvironment Env,
char *  cmd,
int  argc,
char **  argv,
CGINameValue Params

<option name="$>">$</option>

Definition at line 500 of file admin.c.

References ScriptEnvironment::htmlout, and RecurseDirectories().

Referenced by AdminRunScript().

00501 {
00502  char* f ="$";
00503  char* g ="$";
00504  if (argc) f = argv[0];
00505  if (argc > 2) g = argv[1];
00506  RecurseDirectories("",Env->htmlout,f,g);
00507  return 0;
00508 }

static char* JSSendMail ScriptEnvironment Env,
char *  cmd,
int  argc,
char **  argv,
CGINameValue Params

recipient, subject, message

Definition at line 511 of file admin.c.

References ScriptEnvironment::config, GetSetting(), and SendMail().

Referenced by AdminRunScript(), ValidateBack(), ValidatePage(), and WFmain().

00512 {
00513  if (!Env->config) return 0;
00514  if (argc < 3) return 0;
00515  {
00516    char* server   = GetSetting(Env->config,"EMAILSERVER","");
00517    char* profile  = GetSetting(Env->config,"EMAILPROFILE","Windows Messaging Settings");
00518    char* name     = GetSetting(Env->config,"EMAILNAME","");
00519    char* password = GetSetting(Env->config,"EMAILPWD","");
00521    SendMail(argv[0],argv[1],argv[2], server, profile, name, password);
00522  }
00523  return 0;
00524 }

void Login AdminInfo self  ) 

Definition at line 188 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, AdminInfo::htmlout, OpenPage(), AdminInfo::Params, and RunReport().

Referenced by CGImain().

00189 {
00190  FILE* source = OpenPage(self->argv0,"login.html");
00191  if (source)
00192  {
00193   RunReport(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,1,0);
00194   fclose(source);
00195  }
00196 }

FILE* OpenPage char *  argv0,
char *  page

Definition at line 177 of file admin.c.

References ExpandLocalPath(), MAXPATH, and SLASH.

Referenced by AdminRunScript(), Index(), Login(), Project(), Space(), SpaceAdd(), User(), and UserList().

00178 {
00179  char fname[MAXPATH];
00180  FILE* f=0;
00181  if (!page) return 0;
00182  if (!*page) return 0;
00183  ExpandLocalPath(argv0,fname,"admin" SLASH,page);
00184  f = fopen(fname,"rt");
00185  return f;
00186 }

void Project AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char *  project

Definition at line 796 of file admin.c.

References AdminPrintPage(), AdminInfo::argv0, ExpandLocalPath(), MAXPATH, OpenPage(), and RelativeName().

Referenced by ShowPage().

00797 {
00798  char fname[MAXPATH+5];
00799  FILE* source = OpenPage(self->argv0,"project.html");
00800  char* name;
00801  if (!source) return;
00803  name=RelativeName(directory,project);
00804  ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,name,".ini");
00805  free(name);
00807  AdminPrintPage(self,fname,source);
00808  /*
00809  RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,1,"database",AdminFunctions);
00811  ini = ReadINIFileSection(iniName,"DATABASE",0);
00812  RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,ini,self->Params,0,1,"access",AdminFunctions);
00813  DeleteNVP(ini);
00814  ini = ReadINIFileSection(iniName,"ACCESS",0);
00815  RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,ini,self->Params,0,1,0,AdminFunctions);
00816  DeleteNVP(ini);*/
00817  fclose(source);
00818 }

void ProjectUpdate AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char *  project

Definition at line 413 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, CGIFREE, DeleteNVP(), ExpandLocalPath(), GetSetting(), HasTokenI(), ListLength(), MAXPATH, AdminInfo::Params, ReadINIFileSection(), RelativeName(), SetFieldValue(), systemFields, and WriteINIFileSection().

Referenced by ShowPage().

00414 {
00415  CGINameValue* ini, *Params = self->Params;
00416  char iniName[MAXPATH+5];
00417  char* name=RelativeName(directory,project);
00418  char* section=GetSetting(self->Params,"SECTION","DATABASE");
00420  ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,iniName,name,".ini");
00421  ini = ReadINIFileSection(iniName,section,ListLength(Params));
00422  if (ini)
00423  {
00424   size_t x;
00425   for (x=0; Params[x].name; x++)
00426   {
00427    if (Params[x].name)
00428     if (!HasTokenI(systemFields,Params[x].name,0))
00429      SetFieldValue(ini,Params[x].name,Params[x].value);
00430   }
00431  }
00433  WriteINIFileSection(iniName,section,ini);
00435  CGIFREE(name);
00436  DeleteNVP(ini);
00437 }

void RecurseDirectories char *  directory,
EZSSTREAM htmlout,
char *  format,
char *  replace

Definition at line 439 of file admin.c.

References HTMLWrite(), HTMLWriteL(), RelativeName(), SLASH, strdup3(), and stristr().

Referenced by JSListWorkspaces().

00440 {
00441  DIR* d;
00442  struct stat info;
00443  char* name, *c;
00445  name = directory;
00446  if (!*name) name = ".";
00447  d = opendir(name);
00448  while (d)
00449  {
00450   struct dirent* f = readdir(d);
00451   if (!f) break;
00452   if (f->d_name[0] == '.') continue; /* hidden or system file */
00453   name = RelativeName(directory,f->d_name);
00455   if (stat(name,&info))
00456   {
00457    free(name);
00458    continue;
00459   }
00461   if (info.st_mode & S_IFREG)
00462   {
00463    free(name);
00464    continue;
00465   }
00467   c = strdup3(name,SLASH,"cgi.ini");
00468   if (stat(c,&info))
00469   {
00470    free(c);
00471    continue;
00472   }
00473   free(c);
00474   c = format;
00475   while (c)
00476   {
00477    char* d = (char*)stristr(c,replace);
00478    if (d)
00479    {
00480     HTMLWriteL(htmlout,c,(d-c));
00481     HTMLWrite(htmlout,name);
00482     d += strlen(replace);
00483    }
00484    else
00485    {
00486     HTMLWrite(htmlout,c);
00487     d=0;
00488    }
00490    c=d;
00491   }
00492   RecurseDirectories(name,htmlout,format,replace);
00493   free(name);
00494  }
00496  if (d) closedir(d);
00497 }

char* RelativeName char *  directory,
char *  name

Definition at line 405 of file admin.c.

References strdup(), and strdup3().

Referenced by Index(), Project(), ProjectUpdate(), RecurseDirectories(), ShowPage(), and SpaceAdd().

00406 {
00407   if (*directory)
00408     return strdup3(directory,"/",name);
00409   else
00410     return strdup(name);
00411 }

int SendImage AdminInfo self,
char *  image

Definition at line 976 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, ExpandLocalPath(), AdminInfo::htmlout, HTMLWriteFile(), MAXPATH, SendCGIHeader(), and stristr().

Referenced by CGImain().

00977 {
00978  char fname[MAXPATH];
00979  char header[1024];
00980  if (image[strcspn(image,"\\/")] || strstr(image,".."))
00981   return 0; /* invalid name */
00983  ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,"admin" "/",image);
00985  if (stristr(image,".png"))
00986   SendCGIHeader(self->htmlout,"Content-Type: image/png\n\n");
00987  else if (stristr(image,".gif"))
00988   SendCGIHeader(self->htmlout,"Content-Type: image/gif\n\n");
00989  else if (stristr(image,".ico"))
00990   SendCGIHeader(self->htmlout,"Content-Type: image/x-icon\n\n");
00991  else
00992   return 0;
00994  return HTMLWriteFile(self->htmlout,fname);
00995 }

int SetRespcount char *  argv0,
char *  dbname,
int  i

Definition at line 161 of file admin.c.

References CGIFOPEN, ExpandLocalPath(), and MAXPATH.

00162 {
00163   char filename[MAXPATH];
00165   FILE * f;
00166   ExpandLocalPath(argv0,filename,dbname,".respcount");
00167   f = CGIFOPEN(filename,"wb");
00168   if (f)
00169   {
00170    fwrite(&i,sizeof(i),1,f);
00171    fclose(f);
00172    return 1;
00173   }
00174   return 0;
00175 }

int ShowAdmin AdminInfo self,
char *  name,
char *  page

Definition at line 997 of file admin.c.

References stricmp(), strnicmp(), User(), UserAdd(), and UserUpdate().

Referenced by CGImain().

00998 {
00999 /* log in as administrator */
01000  if (!strnicmp(page,"USER",4))
01001  {
01002   int i = strcspn(name,"\\/.");
01003   if (name[i] || i > 32)
01004     return 4; /* too long or invalid character */
01005  }
01007  if (!stricmp(page,"USER") && *name)
01008   {
01009    User(self,name,"user.html");
01010    return 3;
01011   }
01013  if (!stricmp(page,"USERADD"))
01014   {
01015    if (UserAdd(self,name))
01016    {
01017     UserUpdate(self,name,0,0);
01018     User(self,name,"user.html");
01019     return 3;
01020    }
01021   }
01022  else if (!stricmp(page,"USERUPDATE"))
01023   {
01024    UserUpdate(self,name,0,"user.js");
01025    return 2;
01026   }
01028  return 0;
01029 }

int ShowPage AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char *  name,
char *  page

1 project index, 2 user index, 3 nothing 4 error 0 not handled

Definition at line 1038 of file admin.c.

References GetFieldValue, AdminInfo::Params, Project(), ProjectUpdate(), RelativeName(), SetFieldValue(), Space(), SpaceAdd(), SpaceUpdate(), stricmp(), strnicmp(), User(), UserAddSpace(), and UserUpdate().

Referenced by CGImain().

01039 {
01040  char * user = GetFieldValue(self->Params,"USER"); /* current user name */
01041  int i = strcspn(user,"\\/.");
01042  if (user[i] || i > 32)
01043    return 4; /* too long or invalid character */
01045  if (!strnicmp(page,"PASSWORD",8)) /* log in as admin or as yourself */
01046  {
01047   if (!*user)
01048     return 4; /* not logged in */
01050   if (!stricmp(page,"PASSWORD")) /* change my password or info*/
01051   {
01052    User(self,user,"password.html");
01053    return 3;
01054   }
01055   else if (!stricmp(page,"PASSWORDUPDATE")) /* change my password */
01056   {
01057    UserUpdate(self,user,"DISPLAY,PASSWORD,EMAIL","user.js");
01058    SetFieldValue(self->Params,"DIRECTORY",0);
01059    return 1;
01060   }
01061  }
01063  if (!stricmp(page,"PROJECT") && *name)
01064  {
01065   Project(self,directory,name);
01066   return 3;
01067  }
01068  else if (!stricmp(page,"PROJECTUPDATE")&& *name)
01069  {
01070   ProjectUpdate(self,directory,name);
01071   return 1;
01072  }
01073  else if (!stricmp(page,"SPACE"))
01074  {
01075   Space(self,directory,"space.html");
01076   return 3;
01077  }
01078  else if (!stricmp(page,"SPACEADD"))
01079  {
01080   if (!strnicmp(directory,"admin",5))
01081    return 4; /* can't create directories in the admin section */
01083   switch (SpaceAdd(self,directory,name,"spaceadd.html"))
01084   {
01085    case 1:
01086    {
01087     char * c = RelativeName(directory,name);
01088     SetFieldValue(self->Params,"DIRECTORY",c);
01089     SpaceUpdate(self,c,"LOGLEVEL,PASSWORD,DISPLAY","space.js");
01090     Space(self,c,"space.html");
01091     if (*user) /* add myself to the new directory */
01092       UserAddSpace(self,user,c);
01093     else
01094       SetFieldValue(self->Params,"AUTHENTICATION",GetFieldValue(self->Params,"PASSWORD"));
01095     free(c);
01096    }
01097    case 2: return 3;
01098   }
01099  }
01100  else if (!stricmp(page,"SPACEUPDATE"))
01101  {
01102   SpaceUpdate(self,directory,"LOGLEVEL,PASSWORD,DISPLAY","space.js");
01103   return 1;
01104  }
01107  return 0;
01108 }

void Space AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char *  page

Definition at line 741 of file admin.c.

References AdminPrintPage(), AdminInfo::argv0, ExpandLocalPath(), MAXPATH, and OpenPage().

Referenced by ShowPage().

00742 {
00743   char fname[MAXPATH];
00744   FILE* source = OpenPage(self->argv0,page);
00745   if (!source) return;
00747   if (!*directory) directory=".";
00748   ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,directory, "/" "cgi.ini");
00750   AdminPrintPage(self,fname,source);
00751 /*  RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,ini,self->Params,0,1,0,AdminFunctions); */
00752   fclose(source);
00753 }

int SpaceAdd AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char *  name,
char *  page

Definition at line 704 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, ExpandLocalPath(), GetFieldValue, AdminInfo::htmlout, MAXPATH, OpenPage(), AdminInfo::Params, RelativeName(), and RunReportF().

Referenced by ShowPage().

00705 {
00706  FILE *f;
00707  char fname[MAXPATH];
00708  CGINameValue* ini;
00709  struct stat info;
00710  int ret = 0;
00711  char* pwd = GetFieldValue(self->Params,"PASSWORD");
00712  if (!*pwd)
00713   {
00714    FILE* source = OpenPage(self->argv0,page);
00715    if (source)
00716    {
00717     RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,1,0,0,AdminFunctions);
00718     fclose(source);
00719    }
00720    return 2;
00721   }
00723  directory = RelativeName(directory,name);
00724  ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,directory,"/" "cgi.ini");
00726  if (stat(fname,&info))
00727  {
00728    mkdir(directory);
00729    f = fopen(fname,"wt");
00730    if (f)
00731    {
00732     fwrite("[admin]\nLOGLEVEL=0\nPASSWORD=\n",1,29,f);
00733     fclose(f);
00734     ret = 1;
00735    }
00736  }
00737  free(directory);
00738  return ret;
00739 }

void SpaceUpdate AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char *  fields,
char *  page

Definition at line 755 of file admin.c.

References AdminRunScript(), AdminInfo::argv0, DeleteNVP(), ExpandLocalPath(), GetFieldValue, GetSetting(), HasTokenI(), MAXPATH, CGINameValue::name, AdminInfo::Params, ReadINIFileSection(), SetFieldValue(), systemFields, CGINameValue::value, and WriteINIFileSection().

Referenced by ShowPage().

00756 {
00757  FILE *f;
00758  char fname[MAXPATH];
00759  CGINameValue* ini;
00760  char* pwd;
00761  size_t x;
00762  char* section=GetSetting(self->Params,"SECTION","admin");
00765  if (!*directory) directory=".";
00766  ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,directory, "/" "cgi.ini");
00767  ini = ReadINIFileSection(fname,section,16); /* leave room for new entries */
00769  if (!ini) /* new user */
00770   return;
00772  for (x=0; self->Params[x].name; x++)
00773   {
00774    if (!*self->Params[x].name)
00775     continue;
00777    if (HasTokenI(systemFields,self->Params[x].name,0))
00778     continue;
00780    if (fields)
00781     if (!HasTokenI(fields,self->Params[x].name,0))
00782      continue;
00784    SetFieldValue(ini,self->Params[x].name,self->Params[x].value);
00785   }
00787  AdminRunScript(self,ini,page);
00788  if (!atoi(GetFieldValue(self->Params,"ERROR")))
00789  {
00790    WriteINIFileSection(fname,section,ini);
00791  }
00793  DeleteNVP(ini);
00794 }

void User AdminInfo self,
char *  user,
char *  page

Definition at line 679 of file admin.c.

References AdminPrintPage(), AdminInfo::argv0, ExpandLocalPath(), MAXPATH, and OpenPage().

Referenced by ShowAdmin(), and ShowPage().

00680 {
00681   char fname[MAXPATH];
00682   CGINameValue* ini;
00683   FILE* source = OpenPage(self->argv0,page);
00684   if (!source) return;
00686   ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,"admin" "/", user);
00687   strcat(fname,".ini");
00688   AdminPrintPage(self,fname,source);
00690 /*  RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,1,"admin",AdminFunctions);
00692   ini = ReadINIFileSection(fname,"USER",0);
00694   if (ini && source)
00695   {
00696    RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,ini,self->Params,0,1,0,AdminFunctions);
00697    fclose(source);
00698   }
00700   DeleteNVP(ini);
00701 */
00702 }

int UserAdd AdminInfo self,
char *  user

Definition at line 598 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, ExpandLocalPath(), and MAXPATH.

Referenced by ShowAdmin().

00599 {
00600  FILE *f;
00601  char fname[MAXPATH];
00602  CGINameValue* ini;
00603  struct stat info;
00605  ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,"admin" "/", user);
00606  strcat(fname,".ini");
00607  if (!stat(fname,&info))
00608    return 0; /* already exists */
00610  f = fopen(fname,"wt");
00611  if (f)
00612  {
00613   fwrite("[USER]\nACTIVE=0\n",1,7,f);
00614   fclose(f);
00615   return 1;
00616  }
00617  return 0;
00618 }

void UserAddSpace AdminInfo self,
char *  user,
char *  directory

Definition at line 658 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, DeleteNVP(), ExpandLocalPath(), GetFieldValue, MAXPATH, ReadINIFileSection(), SetFieldValue(), strdup3(), and WriteINIFileSection().

Referenced by ShowPage().

00659 {
00660  FILE *f;
00661  char fname[MAXPATH];
00662  CGINameValue* ini;
00663  char* x;
00664  ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,"admin" "/", user);
00665  strcat(fname,".ini");
00666  ini = ReadINIFileSection(fname,"USER",16);
00668  if (!ini) /* new user */
00669   return;
00671  x = GetFieldValue(ini,"SPACES");
00672  x = strdup3(x,",",directory);
00673  SetFieldValue(ini,"SPACES",x);
00674  free(x);
00676  WriteINIFileSection(fname,"USER",ini);
00677  DeleteNVP(ini);
00678 }

void UserList AdminInfo self  ) 

Definition at line 916 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, DeleteNVP(), DoSetValue(), ExpandLocalPath(), AdminInfo::htmlout, MAXPATH, OpenPage(), AdminInfo::Params, ReadINIFileSection(), ReadUntilWordS(), RunReportF(), strdup(), and stristr().

Referenced by CGImain().

00917 {
00918  DIR* d;
00919  struct stat info;
00920  char* name=0, *c;
00921  CGINameValue* ini;
00922  char iniName[MAXPATH];
00923  int pos;
00925  FILE* source = OpenPage(self->argv0,"users.html");
00927  if (!source)
00928   return;
00930  RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,1,"user",0,AdminFunctions);
00931  pos = ftell(source);
00932  d = opendir("admin");
00933  // look for all .ini files in admin, and report on [USER] sections
00934  while (d)
00935  {
00936   struct dirent* f = readdir(d);
00937   if (!f) break;
00938   if (f->d_name[0] == '.') continue; /* hidden or system file */
00940   if (stristr(f->d_name,".ini"))
00941   {
00943     ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,iniName,"admin" "/",f->d_name);
00944     ini = ReadINIFileSection(iniName,"USER",16);
00945     if (ini)
00946     {
00947      name = strdup(f->d_name);
00948      *stristr(name,".ini") = 0;
00949      DoSetValue(self->Params, "NAME", name);
00951      if (!stat(iniName,&info))
00952      {
00953       if (info.st_ctime)
00954        DoSetValue(self->Params,"CREATIONDATE",ctime(&info.st_ctime));
00955       if (info.st_mtime)
00956        DoSetValue(self->Params,"LASTSAVEDATE",ctime(&info.st_mtime));
00957      }
00959      RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,ini,self->Params,0,1,"/user",0,AdminFunctions);
00960      fseek(source,pos,0);
00961      DeleteNVP(ini);
00962      free(name);
00963     }
00965   }
00966  }
00967  if (source)
00968  {
00969   ReadUntilWordS(source,0,"</user>");
00970   RunReportF(self->argv0,self->htmlout,source,self->Params,0,0,1,0,0,AdminFunctions);
00971   fclose(source);
00972  }
00973  if (d) closedir(d);
00974 }

void UserUpdate AdminInfo self,
char *  user,
char *  fields,
char *  page

Definition at line 620 of file admin.c.

References AdminRunScript(), AdminInfo::argv0, DeleteNVP(), ExpandLocalPath(), GetFieldValue, HasTokenI(), MAXPATH, CGINameValue::name, AdminInfo::Params, ReadINIFileSection(), SetFieldValue(), systemFields, CGINameValue::value, and WriteINIFileSection().

Referenced by ShowAdmin(), and ShowPage().

00621 {
00622  FILE *f;
00623  char fname[MAXPATH];
00624  CGINameValue* ini;
00625  size_t x;
00627  ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,"admin" "/", user);
00628  strcat(fname,".ini");
00629  ini = ReadINIFileSection(fname,"USER",16);
00631  if (!ini) /* new user */
00632   return;
00634  for (x=0; self->Params[x].name; x++)
00635   {
00636    if (!*self->Params[x].name)
00637     continue;
00639    if (HasTokenI(systemFields,self->Params[x].name,0))
00640     continue;
00642    if (fields)
00643     if (!HasTokenI(fields,self->Params[x].name,0))
00644      continue;
00646    SetFieldValue(ini,self->Params[x].name,self->Params[x].value);
00647   }
00649  AdminRunScript(self,ini,page);
00650  if (!atoi(GetFieldValue(self->Params,"ERROR")))
00651  {
00652    WriteINIFileSection(fname,"USER",ini);
00653  }
00655  DeleteNVP(ini);
00656 }

int VerifyPassword AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char *  password

admin/name.ini [user] active=1|0 directories=list password= name=A Brown session=session

Cookie: password=list; user=name; session=session;

login procedure: if (username) { verify password create session id set session id update cookie save user ini file add to transaction log done } if (cookie lacks a user name) { fail } if (password) { verify new password update cookie } if (cookie) { verify user and session verify password cookie check pw check username }

password valid? add to cookie, remove PASSWORD field, return 1 username login? look up passwords, remove PASSWORD and USER fields, add to cookie

admin/cgi.ini [ADMIN] authuser=1|0 authspace=1|0 EMAILSERVER=smtp-server EMAILNAME=login name EMAILPWD=login password EMAILPROFILE=windows email profile

Definition at line 251 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, DeleteNVP(), ExpandLocalPath(), GetFieldValue, HasToken(), MAXPATH, ReadINIFileSection(), and SLASH.

Referenced by Authenticate().

00252 {
00253   char fname[MAXPATH];
00254   CGINameValue* ini;
00255   int ret;
00256   char* c;
00257   if (!*directory) directory = "."; /*root dir*/
00258   ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,directory,SLASH "cgi.ini");
00259   ini = ReadINIFileSection(fname,"admin",0);
00260   c = GetFieldValue(ini,"PASSWORD");
00261   ret = *c && HasToken(password,c,0);
00262   DeleteNVP(ini);
00263   return ret;
00264 }

int VerifyUser AdminInfo self,
char *  directory,
char *  username,
char *  session,
char *  password

Definition at line 266 of file admin.c.

References AdminInfo::argv0, DeleteNVP(), ExpandLocalPath(), GetFieldValue, HasTokenI(), MAXPATH, AdminInfo::Params, ReadINIFileSection(), SetFieldValue(), SLASH, and WriteINIFileSection().

Referenced by Authenticate().

00267 {
00268   char * verify;
00269   char fname[MAXPATH];
00270   CGINameValue* ini;
00271   int ret;
00272   ret = strcspn(username,"\\/.");
00273   if (username[ret]) return 0; /* invalid name */
00274   if (ret > 32) return 0; /* too long */
00275   ExpandLocalPath(self->argv0,fname,"admin" SLASH, username);
00276   strcat(fname,".ini");
00277   ini = ReadINIFileSection(fname,"USER",1); /* leave room for a SESSION entry */
00278   if (!ini) return 0;
00280   ret = atoi(GetFieldValue(ini,"ACTIVE"));
00281   if (ret)
00282   {
00283    /* check the password */
00284    if (*password && !strcmp(password,GetFieldValue(ini,"PASSWORD")))
00285    {
00286     ret = 1;
00287     /* update the session */
00288     SetFieldValue(ini,"SESSION",session);
00289     WriteINIFileSection(fname,"USER",ini);
00290    }
00291    /* or the session */
00292    else if (*session && atoi(session) && !strcmp(session,GetFieldValue(ini,"SESSION")))
00293     ret = 1;
00294    else
00295     ret = 0;
00297    if (ret)
00298    {
00299     char* home = GetFieldValue(ini,"HOME");
00300     if (!*home && !*directory)
00301      ret = 1;
00302     else if (*home && !*directory)
00303     {
00304      SetFieldValue(self->Params,"DIRECTORY",home);
00305      ret = 2;
00306     }
00307     else
00308     {
00309      ret = HasTokenI(GetFieldValue(ini,"SPACES"),directory,0);
00310      if (!ret) /* administrators can always get in */
00311       ret = HasTokenI(GetFieldValue(ini,"SPACES"),"admin",0);
00312     }
00313     /* always can read the home directory */
00314    }
00316   }
00318   DeleteNVP(ini);
00319   return ret;
00320 }

int WriteINIFileSection char *  fname,
char *  section,
CGINameValue ini

Definition at line 84 of file admin.c.

References CGIFREE, CGIMALLOC, FileSize(), CGINameValue::name, strdup3(), and stristr().

Referenced by ProjectUpdate(), SpaceUpdate(), UserAddSpace(), UserUpdate(), and VerifyUser().

00085 {
00086   int size = FileSize(fname);
00087   char* c;
00088   char *d, *e;
00089   char* lastname="";
00090   char* start;
00091   size_t i;
00092   FILE * f = fopen(fname,"rt");
00093   if (!f) return 0;
00095   start = strdup3("[",section,"]");
00096   c  = CGIMALLOC(size + 2);
00097   size = fread(c,1,size,f);
00098   c[size]=0;
00099   fclose(f);
00101   d = stristr(c,start);
00102   if (d) e = stristr(d+1,"\n[");
00103   else e = 0;
00105   f = fopen(fname,"wt");
00106   if (!f)
00107   {
00108    CGIFREE(c);
00109    return 0;
00110   }
00112   fwrite(c,1,d ? (d-c) : size,f);
00113   fprintf(f,"%s",start);
00115   for (i=0; ini[i].name; i++)
00116   {
00117    if (!ini[i].name[0]) continue;
00118    if (!strcmp(ini[i].name,lastname))
00119     fprintf(f,",%s",ini[i].value);
00120    else
00121     fprintf(f,"\n%s=%s",ini[i].name,ini[i].value);
00122    lastname = ini[i].name;
00123   }
00124   fwrite("\n",1,1,f);
00126   if (e)
00127    fwrite(e,1,strlen(e),f);
00129   fclose(f);
00130   CGIFREE(c)
00131   CGIFREE(start);
00132   return 1;
00133 }

Variable Documentation

ScriptFunction AdminFunctions[] [static]

Initial value:


Definition at line 527 of file admin.c.

char* systemFields = "DIRECTORY,PAGE,NAME,SECTION" [static]

Definition at line 74 of file admin.c.

Referenced by ProjectUpdate(), SpaceUpdate(), and UserUpdate().

Raosoft, Inc.
Raosoft EZReport, EZSurvey, InterForm, RapidReport, Raosoft, and SurveyWin are registered trademarks of Raosoft, Inc. Page contents © 1996-2007 by Raosoft, Inc. You may use and modify this file for your own use, but may not distribute it or derivative works without the prior written consent of Raosoft, Inc. This software is provided "as is," and Raosoft makes no warranty, express or implied, of fitness for a particular application. Every measure has been taken to anticipate risks inherent to computer networks, but we cannot guarantee safety or reliability of this program in every situation.
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