Question: History

Question History

History is a lightning fast way to edit all fundamental properties of your questions at one time. This capacity is very useful when you have many questions on different pages that you created using Clone page, and you want to change the fieldnam es and descriptions fast. It is also useful if you have used the special .DAT to .FRM translation utility, which takes a database and makes a form based on the widths and fieldnames in the database. In this case, you would want to change the question type s quickly. History lets you perform these changes and more, all on one screen.

Question History is accessed in electronic Form Design under Question | History. You will see the Modify all questions screen:

To edit a particular question, select that question from the All questions list. Select Sort if you want to list the questions in alphabetical order. Select Print if you want to print out a list of the questions for easy reference.

Here are the options you can change:

Question name: This is the fieldname in the database. Do not change this if you have already performed your data collection, unless you know exactly what you are doing. Changing this could cause two previously identical databases to be different, preventing you from Appending them together.

Alias/title: This is the phrase that SURVEYWin uses to refer to the question, as in question object lists. Go ahead and change this freely. It will not affect your database.

Question text: This is the text that appears on the page itself. It is essentially the instructions to users on how to fill out the form.

Question type/responses: This is the type of question being used, sometimes called a ‘datatype.’ Question type refers to the categories of multiple choice, check all that apply, listboxes, weighted rank, write-in, and so on. To change the type, click the change button, which will activate the Select question type window.

Response width: This is the amount of space allocated in the database for a particular question. This is typically the width of the longest code in choice questions, or the maximum entry length for write-in text questions. It’s general ly best not to change this unless you really must, for instance, to accommodate a different type. When you are finished, click OK to return to your form.



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