Question: Apply an existing question

How to add an existing question to the page.

Because of the object nature of SURVEYWin, you can create a list of questions, then apply them to a page individually.

  1. Select Question | Apply an existing question from the menu.
  2. This Questions list shows all the questions available in this form. Highlight the question you want to use and click on View to see it or Apply/OK to place the question on the page. You may obtain a list of question properties, na mely field names, descriptions, and width by right clicking on the question and selecting Info from the floating menu.
  3. Question text is edited in the Question Text/Name/Alias window. Select Question | Properties from the menu, or click on the Modify question icon to bring up the Question Text/Name/Alias window and edit your text o r any other properties. Or, to just modify the text, right click on the question and select Modify from the floating menu.