Question summary chart collapsed
Group Question Summary Cases Percent respondents
Agree Neither Disagree
Strategic Alignment 200
39 20 41
(1) In my work unit, human resources management strategies are targeted to achieve my agency's missions and objectives. 162
33 21 46
(2) Managers review and evaluate the organization's progress toward meeting its goals and objectives. 168
44 20 36
(3) Products and services in my work unit are improved based on customer/public input. 169
41 17 43
(4) I am kept informed about changes in personnel policies and employee benefits. 172
32 25 43
(5) I know how my work relates to the agency's missions and goals. 160
39 21 40
(6) Information collected on my work unit's performance is used to improve my work unit's performance. 160
45 17 38