File Menu - Properties, Database


Database File Name

  1. Specify the name of the database in which to save your data. If you do not provide an extension, EZSurvey will use the default extension, DBF.

  2. After you enter a filename here, select File Save to save your changes in order to create the database.

After changing the database name, you will be asked if you want to copy data from the old database into the new database.

If you want to use a SurveyWin password-protected database, type a filename of the form:

If you are using EZSurvey Pro and want to use an ODBC database, type a filename of the form:
odbc://username:password@service/table?filter (filter=field1=value&field2=value&...)


These options apply to surveys distributed and collected via email.

Merge responses with data loaded from a mailing list
Matches the email address on the received response with the email addresses that the survey was sent to. In this case, the EZSurvey database (.DBF or ODBC source) is used as the address book for the initial send out.

When multiple responses are received per email address, you have 4 options for how to handle the duplicates:

Save each response as a new record
Enters all emails received into the database as unique records.

Accept the first response per email address
Discards any additional responses after the first is entered as a record.

Accept the last response per email address
Discards all but the last email response received from a participant.

Merge the last response with prior response data
All responses from a particular email address go into one record. Blank fields in subsequent responses maintain the last non-blank response received. All non-blank fields have the value of the last response received.

Encrypt email addresses and IP numbers for anonymity

Ignore session IDs and import duplicate records
The session ID is a unique identifier for a record. Each survey participant should have a unique session ID. The field that holds the session ID is name _SESSION. With this option selected, EZSurvey will import records with the same session ID.

Use date information for faster importing
When EZSurvey imports the web ASCII file, it remembers the last the DATE and TIME values that it sees. Then, the next time it imports data, EZS fast-forwards through the ASCII file until it finds a record with a later time. Remember, every change to the ASCII file on the web adds a new line, and old data are changes.

Since the normal import process involves exhaustively searching the database for a record with matching HOST/DATE/TIME/_SESSION fields, or matching IFMUID/IFMUID1 fields, this can take quite a while.

Checking this option speeds up the process. You might want to leave it unchecked if the DATE/TIME set by the web server is not reliable, or you have a new database and want to re-import the entire set of responses.

Import only non-blank fields
On save-and-resume forms, people might return to a form and erase their previous responses. Or, if a form is pre-initialized with data, someone might erase their email address from the online form Checking this option prevents that blank data entry in the ASCII file from replacing the non-blank entry in the database.

Allow long field names


Web Server Action
For HTML forms, the Web server action should be the URL of the program you are using. For instance: /ezs.exe. (In most cases this is automatically set.)

Web Server Method
For HTML forms the method of saving the data to a database can be either POST or GET. It is recommended that you use POST for the majority of HTML forms, because it is more reliable for transmitting large quantities of data.

Show JavaScript alerts for required responses and validation.
For required responses, show an alert when the submit button is pressed and for JavaScript validation of questions.

Save data after every page
This option will tell the CGI to add a record to the database every time the user presses next or previous. This will exponentially increase the size of the data file. It should only be used in testing and not on live surveys.

Remove page data when the "Previous" button is used.
When this option is selected, the Previous button on web surveys will used the back history instead of remembering

Store web data files in this directory
This is the same as the Directory in which to place the uploads from the site setup window. It has the form option name WEB.UPL. This is the directory where EZSurvey puts all of the web files. Please note, if Store web data files in this directory is changes and then the New site setup window with Directory in which to place uploads is viewed, the Store web data files in this directory will automatically be reset.

Extra files
Any extra files that you want put in the web directory. Maybe a new type of style sheet, online report template, pictures, etc.

Web site URL
This is the direct your respondents to this link address, set by EZSurvey. EZSurvey also uses it to find the dbadmin.cgi program.

Web site directory for image files
This is the web site sub-directory where images are stored. For example the images on the web site may be stored in a directory called images/. (Make sure there is a trailing forward slash.)

Web validation:

Custom JavaScript validation Code for this form
This validation scripting will be evaluated after the Submit or Finish button is selected on the last page of the survey. Please see Validation Scripting, JavaScript for more information about validation scripting.

Custom Perl validation Code for this form
This validation scripting will be evaluated after the Submit or Finish button is selected on the last page of the survey. Please see Validation Scripting, Perl for more information about validation scripting.


Palm device preview scale - Select the scale to preview the Palm device.

Preview for a color Palm - Select this to preview the Palm form with color.

See also...