Analysis - Plot Write-in-Number

Displaying statistical information or a graphic plot of a write-in-number question

There are two methods to display the results. These vary by the type of information desired.

  1. The statistical results of write-in-number questions without a graphic plot.
    1. Go to Analysis Plot Select the write-in-number question and Table as plot type. Place the plot where desired.
    2. Highlight the table. Right-click to open the menu. Select Properties
    3. Go to Select Options Data to show and select the statistical values desired.
    4. Then click the Finish button to close.
    5. The plot will refresh with the statistical data displayed.

  2. A graphical plot of write-in-number questions is possible by modifiying the edit form.
    1. Go to Data Browse Database and review the values within the database for this question, and record the maximum, minimum, and increment values.
    2. Go to File Edit Form Definition.
      1. Select the EZF file to modify
      2. In the Edit Form Definition window:
        1. Select the write-in-number question
        2. Change the question type:
          • If the increment value is a whole number - select weighted score as the new type.
          • If the increment value is a decimal number - select single choice as the net type.
        3. Go to Questions New response and enter the Response code or number range and the Response text for the range from the minimum value to the maximum value in the increment value.
          • For a true representation of the data - do not skip any values in this range!
        4. When finished go to File Save As and enter a name for the modified EZF.
        5. Go to File Close to end the Edit process.
    3. Go to File Open Form and enter the name for the modified EZF.
    4. Go to Analysis Plot Select the write-in-number question and type plot. Place the plot where desired.
      • If the plot has no values you need to change to the original database. Follow the procedures in the FAQ.