Statistics - Two Question Hypothesis Testing

Two-Question Hypothesis Testing determines whether two sample parameters are significantly different from each other. The level of significance is set to 95% by default but can be set to other values on the Options tab. This situation, deemed a two group test, allows you to compare two variables against each other.

To perform a Two-Question Hypothesis Test:

  1. Select Statistics Two-Question Hypothesis Testing. The Hypothesis testing between two sets dialog box will appear.
  2. To choose the first question you would like to test against, click on the question in the Select Question for A listbox.
  3. To apply a query to the first question choose a query from the Query A dropdown list.
  4. You may sort the questions alphabetically by checking the Sort checkbox.
  5. To select and apply the second question and query follow steps 2-3 above for question two.
  6. You should now see data in the Test Results box.
  7. The value in the Hypothesis text box is the value being compared to and can be changed as desired.
  8. The value in the Confidence Level text box determines margin of error statistics and can be changed as desired.
  9. Be sure to click on a question in either of the Select Question boxes to refresh the data in the Test Results box after changing any of the options in steps 7 or 8.
  10. Click Finish when the results are displayed as you would like.

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