A personal letter from the Raosoft Training Manager


I have just returned from a training session for the Raosoft product line with a major US government client.  Some of the things that really impressed them were the flexibility within EZSurvey to match a survey design.  Here are five specific ways to further enhance a survey's data capture and logic flow process and you might not have seen this detail.

EZSurvey has a follow-on question feature that will display a web-based text window for a specific response.  Can you imagine the impact of being able to capture the reason why a respondent answered "other" to a survey question?

Of course we do logical branching between pages.  We can set the page to direct a path, a question to direct a path or add validation scripting (JavaScript or pearl) to control the survey flow on a response-by-response basis.  With a capability to tailor the survey towards the essential information you can expand your response population!

EZSurvey has a unique capability to redirect a respondent to another web-based survey.  Rather than create a huge cumbersome survey, you can chain a survey to another survey and cut down the necessity for a huge reporting effort!

We also have the capability to display a set or subset of a question's responses based upon a previous question.  Imagine the flexibility to have a demographic question with every possible response that varies in display based upon a previous question - dynamically changing the survey display to an individual respondent.

And lastly, you can change the text of a question based upon another question.  You can personalize the text of a question based upon either a previously answered question or response of the survey.

You asked about some of the flexibility of the survey development features that we offer, and I thought you might enjoy reading about what a current client emphasized from their recent training.


Fred R. Ahrens
Manager, Hosting and Survey Services