Questions Menu - Arrange Questions in Tables
The table wizard places each question in one cell of the table. The number of rows times the number of columns in the table will equal the number of questions in the table. The table wizard enters questions in the table in the order they appear, following the first question in the table. When formatting sets of multiple choice questions, it is preferable to arrange them in a single column.
Number of rows of questions
In the following table there are 4 rows.
Number of columns of questions
In the following table there are 3 columns.
This is how the questions are put into a 4 x 3 table using the wizard.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Align Responses in the Table
Select yes or no (default). When yes is selected the response texts are put into separate table cells. When no is selected, the question texts and response texts are put into the same table cell.
Move question text to the first row
When selected, the text from the first question in the table will be placed in the top row. This will be overridden by selecting Move response text to the first row.
Move response test to the first row
When selected, the response texts from the first question in the table are placed in the first row.
Print the text of the first question in each row
When selected, the question text from the first question in the table will be repeated in all rows.
Center unlabeled responses
Responses without associated text will be centered among the other responses.
Header alignment
When Move response text to the first row is selected, the Header alignment selection aligns the text in first row of the table. You can select Left (default), Right, Center, Determined by browser (same as Left).
Vertical alignment
When Move response text to the first row is selected, the Vertical alignment selection aligns the text in first row of the table. You can select Top, Center, Baseline, Bottom, or Default, Determined by browser (same as Left).
Header width
This is the width of each column in the table. A width of 75 is a good default width.
Border width
Defines the weight of the table border. Enter 0 for no border or 1 for a border. If you enter 2 or more, the border will become thicker.
Randomize row order when using compiled web scripts.
To prevent "first response bias", the randomize row order function changes the sequence the responses are in every time a person goes to the page.
Shade alternate rows
Every other row will be shaded. The first row of responses will be shaded and every other row after that. If you want to shade a row manually, you can select Shaded background for this row in the Advanced question options Layout.
Remove this table
When you have an existing table that you want to remove, you must select this option to remove the table completely. When changing the number of questions in a table, or changing the response texts of tabled questions, always remove the table using this checkbox, then re-create the table after the changes have been made.
See also...