Under the Hood - Advanced Form Options

VERSION number Version of the program that last saved the file. Used to rename field values and apply automatic upgrades (like longer _SESSION fields in EZS2005).
ANONYMOUS 1 | 0 Responses are anonymous (email and IP addresses are encrypted)
DATABASE filename Database file name, relative to the form location
DBTYPE 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 Database type 1=xBase (default), 2=ASCII, 3=ODBC, 0=No database
WEB.MERGEDATA 1 | 0 Merge data with that in the database (1) or always add new records (0)
WEB.LASTDATE date Date of the last record downloaded
WEB.LASTTIME time Time of the last record downloaded
WEB.FORGETPAGES 1 | 0 Resume web data entry sessions on the first page. Enabling this removes _PAGE* fields from the ASC file stored on the web server
WEB.INITDATA 1 | 0 Initialize the web site ASC file with the project database data.
WEB.RANDOMIDS 1 | 0 Generate random IDs when initializing the ASC file.
WEB.REENTER 1 | 0 Enables web form Save and Quit.
WEB.SAVE ASC | XML | ODBC | EMAIL | SOAP How the CGI programs save data.
WEB.UPL directory Where the web site files are saved.
WEB.MULTIPAGE; 1 | 0 Multi-page form?
WEB.EMAIL.METHOD 0=mailto | 1=Raosoft | 2=Server How an email form should be submitted. 1=Raosoft's server, 2=Customer's server.
WEB.DBNAME text Project name, lower case, with spaces removed.
WEB.SCRIPTFILE filename Last generated .VAL file. The SAVESOAP and SAVEODBC scripts are appended to this file by rsrc/webcreate.js.
WEB.EMAIL email Email address to receive data.
WEB.CGI text Name of the CGI handler, such as "ezs.exe" or "ezs.cgi".
WEB.METHOD POST | GET You should use POST, except that WebTV only has GET.
WEB.NONEW 1 | 0 Disallows adding new records through CGI.
WEB.NEWREPORT 1 | 0 Generate a new report when the web site is created. Handled by webcreate.js.
WEB.NEWSTATS 1 | 0 Generate a new statistics report when the web site is created. Handled by webcreate.js.
WEB.STARTUP url URL to access the first page of the online form.
WEB.ONSERVER 1 | 0 Is CGI data saved on the server?
WEB.SSL 1 | 0 Does the server use SLL? Use https:// instead of http://.
WEB.ONLINEEDIT 1 | 0 Do we have online editing with the LIST CGI program?
WEB.PWDREAD password Password for browsing the data online.
WEB.DISPLAYSTATS 1 | 0 Shows the statistics report after submitting data.
WEB.PWDREPORT password Password for viewing an online report.
WEB.HOTLINK url Follow-up hotlink.
WEB.MESSAGE text | url "Thank you" message or URL
WEB.LF.SET 2 | 1 | 0 0 = No change, 1 = Standard web form look & feel, 2 = Custom appearance
WEB.LF.TEMPLATE text Web template
WEB.LF.BACKGROUND text Background image file name.
WEB.LF.TITLE text Web page title.
WEB.LF.LOADFOCUS 1 | 0 Execute JS when the page loads?
WEB.LF.ONLOAD JS Code to run when the page loads.
WEB.LF.BGCOLOR color Page background color.
WEB.LF.TEXT color Primary text color.
WEB.LF.FACE typeface Primary text typeface.
WEB.ODBC.SERVICE text ODBC service name.
WEB.ODBC.TABLE text ODBC table name (usually the same as WEB.DBNAME).
WEB.ODBC.NAME text ODBC login.
WEB.ODBC.MAKESQL 1 | 0 Generate SQL code to create the database?
WEB.SOAP.HOST IP address Address to .NET server.
WEB.SOAP.PORT number Port number.
WEB.SOAP.FUNCTION text SOAP function name.
WEB.SOAP.ACTION text SOAP action (like SUBMIT)
WEB.IMGDIR text Base URL for image files.
PALM.SCALE number Palm preview zoom scale (1-4)
PALM.PCOLOR 1 | 0 Preview for a color Palm?
PALM.FILES filenames CRLF-delimited list of file names for Palm forms.
PALM.SCRIPTFILE filename Palm preview script file
PALM.SAVE WEB | XML | ASC | EMAIL | ODBC | SOAP How the Palm conduit should save collected data. Only ASC is active supported for now. For web saving, the URL will be http://PALM.WEB.SERVER:PALM.WEB.PORT/PALM.WEB.ACTION. For ODBC, the WEB.ODBC values are used.
PALM.EMAIL.SERVER IP address SMTP server to use.
PALM.EMAIL email Email address for data.
WEB.UPL.SCP 1 | 0 Use SCP to upload web site files?
WEB.UPL.SCP.HOST IP address SCP host name.
WEB.UPL.SCP.DIR text SCP directory.
WEB.UPL.SCP.NAME text SCP login.
LNG.HEADER text Goes at the start of email forms.
LNG.FOOTER text Goes at the end of email forms.
MAIL.ANYUNREAD 1 | 0 Set to zero after downloading email messages. Not used otherwise.
WEB.CLIENTVALIDATE 1 | 0 Do client-side validation?
Saves state information while generating HTML.
WEB.LF.TBLBG color Table background color
WEB.IDFIELDS text Fields that identify a user record (IFMUID,IFMUID1)
EMAIL.MERGEDATA 1 | 0 Merge data with that in the database (1) or always add new records (0)
EMAIL.RESPONSE 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 0=Save each response as a new record, 1=Accept the first response per email address, 2=Accept the last response per email address, 3=Merge the last response with prior response data